Dr. iur. Michael Pierzl, BSc LL.B.
Legal Associate
- University of Innsbruck, law studies, Mag. iur., 2017
- University of New Orleans (USA), semester abroad, 2017
- University of Innsbruck, economics - management and economics (areas of concentration: international corporate taxation and auditing), B.Sc., 2018
- University of Innsbruck, business law, LL.B., 2018
- University of Innsbruck, doctoral studies in law (merit-based scholarship), Dr. iur., 2024
- Internships and part-time jobs in various companies, before 2018
- Assistant at the Department of Corporate and Tax Law at the University of Innsbruck, 2018-2020
- Legal trainee in the district of the High Court Innsbruck, 2021-2022
- Administrative trainee at the Office of the Tyrolean State Government (Department of Data Protection Law), 2022-2023
- Legal Associate with Marxer & Partner Attorneys-at-Law since 2023
Büchele, Manfred, Lars Kerbler, Michael Pierzl & Hans Strasser: "Impress - Urheber- und datenschutzrechtlicher Bericht", SSRN, 2021.
German, English